SOL 2016 Day 16: Today I Was Not Inspired

Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life March Challenge 2016
This March, more than 300 teachers have committed to daily writing. If you’d like to read more “slices” (from other teachers and even students), visit:

Today I Was Not Inspired

not by the bumblebee rolling in shaggy blooms

or  flowers orange as little suns
not by the stone dog guarding a neighbor's house 

or the purple burst of irises
No, today I was not inspired

In Case You Missed It...

A few weeks ago I posted about the delay in the online journal Sugar Mule #41: Women Writing Nature. Now it is up and ready for your reading pleasure. Two of my poems, "Star Coral" and "Come Sing" were published in this volume.  Just download the pdf and find the table of contents. Each name is a hyperlink that will take you directly to that person's poems. As well as my own, there is a cornucopia of wonderful writing by other women. Enjoy!

Poems Published!

My poems "Star Coral" and "Come Sing" were published in Sugar Mule, an online journal.  The theme is Women Writing Nature.  

Download the PDF and enjoy. You can find my work on page 197! Check them out.