Our World Word by Word
Happy National Poetry Month: My interview in The California Journal of Women Writers and Haiku Number 20
Recently Marcia Meier, my friend and fellow AROHO alum interviewed me for TCJWW: The California Journal of Women Writers. This online journal was founded in 2012 with the mission of "fostering and enhancing the visibility of North American female authors, and narrowing the wide gender gap found in discussions in the literary world" by featuring reviews of women’s literature as well as interviews. I am incredibly honored to appear on this wonderful site.
Interview: Lisa Rizzo
Marcia Meier recently spoke with Lisa Rizzo to discuss her poetry,
motivations, and inspirations threaded throughout her work. Rizzo is a
poet, blogger and world traveler who lives in the San Francisco Bay
Area. A middle school teacher by profession, Lisa has published a
chapbook of her poetry and blogs frequently about her travel
adventures. Her blog, Poet Teacher Seeks World, is chock-full of her insightful and keen observations during her global jaunts, which also informed much of her chapbook, In the Poem an Ocean. Her poems are earthly, nostalgic, piercing and always surprising.
Meier: What inspired you to begin writing poetry?
Rizzo: I started writing poetry because I was desperate. Even though I had always wanted to write, I only dabbled with it until I was in college. Then I began to attempt writing fiction. I tried over and over to write stories that withered away to dust as I struggled with the characters and plot. I just couldn’t make them live. Then one day, sitting in the big chairs in the university library where I always sat, out of sheer frustration I abandoned prose and tried to write a poem. No, I wrote a poem. It came bursting out of me in one swift flow and that was it. I’m not sure why I had never tried poetry before. I guess I had never thought someone like me could write poems. All my traditional liberal arts education had made me feel that poets were people far out of my realm. But there it was, a poem.
Haiku Number 20
sun seeps through curtains
light motifs across wood floors
salute Spring-bright day