National Poetry Month: April 3, 2015

Today's writing prompt from Kelli Russell Agodon: Write a poem that has only five syllables in each line. Give the poem a long title. This one sounded fun since I've been writing haiku everyday for over a year now. I can spot a five syllable line anywhere.

Day 3:

I Listen to My Friend Make Breakfast While I Wake Up

outside I hear sounds
dishes and footsteps
I know soon coffee
will be brewed because
that is what we do
each morning as we
begin again we
drink and eat give food
to our bodies yes
cereal is now
poured into a bowl
and I imagine
milk after even
though I can’t hear that
each day we build our
selves back into what
we were until night
sleep took us before
we sank deep to float
in what we don’t know
with such trust that we
would return to light