National Poetry Month: April 9, 2015
NaPoWriMo Day 9: Our prompt for the day (optional, as always) plays of our
resources. Today, I challenge you to write a visual poem. If that’s not
specific enough, perhaps you can try your hand at a calligram? That’s a poem or
other text in which the words are arranged into a specific shape or image. You
might find inspiration in the famous calligrams
written by Guillaume
Apollinaire. And a word to the wise — the best way to cope with today’s
exercise may well be to abandon your keyboard, and sit down with paper and pen
(and maybe crayons or colored pencils or markers!)
This form made me think of writing concrete poetry with my middle school students, so I tried to channel that energy. Since I'm no visual artist, be kind to my awkward swirl. Ironically, attending the first meeting of a poetry class kept me from posting earlier!