National Poetry Month: April 6, 2015
NaPoWriMo Day 6: Today’s prompt springs from the form known as the aubade. These
are morning poems, about dawn
and daybreak. Many aubades take the form of lovers’ morning farewells, but . .
. today is Monday. So why not try a particularly Mondayish aubade…
Monday Aubade
Four of us to get to
school, four bowls of cereal or scrambled eggs,
Mom from table to stove,
from one need to the next.
Dad long gone, having
drunk his coffee and climbed into his truck
driving off into pre-dawn
Monday when beds stripped
of weekend lay empty,
school books gathered
and sneakers lost, then found.
Dawn peered over the
trees across the farm field,
birds chattered in the
oak outside the kitchen window.
Four squabbles, milk
spilled on the plastic tablecloth,
dog under our feet
searching for scraps.
My mother’s face
Soon the fat yellow bus
would arrive for my brother and me,
soon my sisters would
make their way to school down the street.
Soon the house would
fall hushed except for clicking
of doggy nails across
the kitchen floor.
Now I wonder what my mother did.
Would she sit and watch
the day come awake,
just sit with coffee cup
nested in her hands?
Completely still, gazing
out at her garden before she shook herself out
and cleared the plates
to set in soapy water.