The Road to Retirement: Sheltering in place while Always a Blue House travels without me


As of today, I have only 56 days to work until I retire on June 12, 2020. As of today, I am working from home because here in the Bay Area we’re sheltering in place due to the covid-19 pandemic. As a teacher I spent many years practicing emergency drills with students, including sheltering in place. I never would have imagined that we’d actually be participating in such a wide-spread event. What a strange way to end my career in public education!

Another change: this is the first time in decades that I didn’t make plans to travel abroad during summer vacation time. I thought after 29 years following a school calendar I’d be able to travel in any month I choose. Well, covid-19 may have grounded me for some time. How long? None of us know right now.

One place I’ve never visited is Costa Rica. That’s because summer is their rainy season. I figured it would be a good place to visit after I retire. One of my writer friends just went to Costa Rica and honored me by taking Always a Blue House with her. I can take solace in thinking my book traveled even it I can’t.


Day 2 of Shelter In Place; 55 Days Until Retirement


Last Day at La Muse, Labastide Esparbairenque, July 2019